Business and Personal web pages from New Zealand Search result

Tauranga City Elim Church

Tauranga City Elim Church

14 Christopher St, Tauranga ,
Impacting all people with the Love and Power of Jesus Christ
Tel: 75788903
Remnant Youth Community

Remnant Youth Community

127 Springvale Road, Wanganui ,
Remnant Youth Community is based at Faith City Church A/G Wanganui/Whanganui, New Zealand.
Tel: 6463450265
CityView Church

CityView Church

24 St Benedict Street, Newton, Auckland ,
Core Values A Burning Heart We value Holy Spirit inspired passionate love for God and for people as our primary goal. We place a high value on connectedness and friendship with God which we can enjoy through Christ. In all our missional activities, our primary aim is simply to connect people to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit through Jesus' love and sacrifice, that they may live in the Father's love and goodness. A Clear Mind We value biblical wisdom, loving critique and discussion, in interaction with others, as necessary pathways to discovering God's wisdom for the community of His people. We are a church that promotes genuine spirituality alongside clear and articulate thinking. A clear mind implies a respect for the opinions, perspectives and experiences of others and an awareness of the inherited wisdom of orthodox Christian thinking down through the centuries. It recognizes the value of open mindedness in interaction with other contemporary Christian expressions. In our pursuit of Christ, we value a process in which openness to critique and evaluation is seen as a necessary part of growing in spiritual maturity. In all this, our final touchstone is the reliability and validity of the Bible as the inspired and authoritative Word of God. A Place of Refuge We purpose to make church a safe place; a place of refuge; a place to encounter God. There is nothing more refreshing and comforting than being in a place where God is. As we allow God to presence himself in this way, church will be a place where people will feel at home. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. People as the Reason We value people not as the means to an end but as the end itself. We purpose to love and accept people as they are and to celebrate God's unique creative work in each individual. We are a church whose future lies in the love and goodness of God. We rely on God to lead and resource by His Spirit rather than putting excessive expectations and demands on human goodness and ability. Our faith lies in the grace of God and the transforming work of the Holy Spirit to bring people to the likeness of Christ. Authentic christian living is resourced from God's life and Spirit rather than driven by human discipline or religious rules which promote outward conformity to accepted standards of Christian behaviour. Genuine transformation is the result of God's power and grace working in each person. Honouring Relationships We desire to be a church characterized by respectful and honouring relationships. People have a right to be known and heard because all are made in the image of God. Honouring others extends to all relationships within the church where all have a place in serving each other as serving Christ according to their gifts and roles. We recognise that all are equally loved and valued by God and that all are required by God to be servants. Servant-hood is never to be demanded nor equated with servitude. We recognise and value God-gifted leadership and desire to give proper respect to those who hold positions of leadership in the church. We acknowledge that, in their exercise of authority, leaders are to be humble, wise and show love and respect for other people and to avoid manipulative or coercive forms of control over people. We recognise that the purpose of church life is primarily relational and that the church's activities, programmes and resources exist to serve people rather than to become an object of pursuit themselves. Holistic Living We are a church that celebrates Christ as Lord of the whole of life. We serve and worship Him in all our activities, we expect His help and direction in all our decisions, we receive His gift of life with appreciation and therefore see every aspect of life as sacred, to be treasured and enjoyed with thankfulness. God is creator and has placed his gifts and creativity in each individual. We value this creativity and seek to recognise and make room for its many diverse and unique expressions. In seeking to be conformed to the transforming pattern and values of Jesus' life, we value language and culture which is contemporary, which engages with our generation and which reflects God's voice in every time and place to every people.
Divine International Church

Divine International Church

Community Education Centre, P.O Box 14806, Queens Road, 22 Clifton Court, Panmure 1072, Auckland ,
We are commissioned to teach God's Word to all Nations.
Tel: -5802909
City Impact Church

City Impact Church

City Impact Church, 794 East Coast Road, Albany, Auckland ,
North Shore Campus - 794 East Coast Road, Albany, Auckland Mt Wellington Campus -385 Mt Wellington Highway, entrance via Apex Centre, opposite Sylvia Park Pastors Peter & Bev Mortlock are the Senior Pastors of City Impact Church Auckland. They have a passion for building strong churches that make a difference in their communites. Since that morning in 1982 when their first service was held in a little Browns Bay community hall, the number coming along has increased to over 3,500, the building is much nicer and the locations also include Mt Wellington, Queenstown, Invercargill, Balclutha, Tonga and Canada.
Tel: 94770300
Desert Spring Ministries Community Centre

Desert Spring Ministries Community Centre

408 Peachgrove Rd, Hamilton ,
Desert Spring Ministries408 Peachgrove RdFairfieldHamilton07 855


Freyburg Pl, City (opp. Chancery-nxt to High St), Auckland ,
"in the heart of the city, for the heart of God" -CITY branch of AFGC on the northshore-
The Street City Church

The Street City Church

9 Hania Street, Mt Victoria, Wellington ,
Sunday worship times: 9am, 11am and 6pm 9 Hania Street Mount Victoria Wellington
Porirua Christian Life Centre (PCLC)

Porirua Christian Life Centre (PCLC)

8 Norrie Street, Porirua City, Wellington ,
Senior Pastors: Gary & Leigh Stapp We are and Assemblies of God NZ Church
Auckland Afrikaans Community Church

Auckland Afrikaans Community Church

27 Glanville Terrace Parnell , Auckland ,
Eredienste : 9:30 vm elke Sondag. Dit is sekerlik een van die belangrikste besluite van 'n Immigrant:..... Om deel te wees van 'n eiesoortige geloofsgemeenskap in 'n nuwe, vreemde land en gemeenskap. ONS BESTAANSGROND. Die LIEFDE van Jesus en die GENADE van ons Vader, ingebed in die GEMEENSKAP van die Heilige Gees. WIE IS ONS? AUCKLAND - In die Bybel is die kerk altyd vernoem na die stad waarin dit voorkom bv Gemeente in Jerusalem, dit dui aan op die eenheid van die kerk in die stad. AFRIKAANSE - Dui op ons eiesoortige geloofsgemeenskap. COMMUNITY - Ons is deel van die "community" waarin ons wek, speel, leef en ons kinders skoolgaan. CHURCH - Ons is deel van Sy familie ( Efes 2:19), Sy Liggaam ( Efes 4:11 - 16) WAAROOR STAAN ONS? Jesus Christus is HOOF en HEER van die kerk ( Efes 1:22,23, Kol 1:18 en 2:19) Die AACC is non-denominasioneel, as basis 'n gereformeerde agtergrond, almal vanuit verskillende geestelike tradiesies is baie welkom. Elke lid is en funksioneer as volkome deel van die Liggaam. (Efes 4:11-16) Aanvaar en dien mekaar in liefde. (Gal 6:10)
Tel: 2102726270
Blockhouse Bay Community Church

Blockhouse Bay Community Church

76 Dundale Avenue, Blockhouse Bay, Auckland ,
BBCC is a group of "real people" who have found "real life" in Jesus Christ. We're committed to becoming more like Him, and sharing His message with our world. We're also part of a larger family calle
Robert and Judy Addington

Robert and Judy Addington

UPCI Headquarters Grace Fellowship 217 Commerce St. Frankton, Hamilton ,
We were appointed as Missionaries to New Zealand in 1984 and arrived in the country in 1986. Initially liaisoning between headquarters and the resident Maori church in New Zealand, we traveled and taught throughout the country, preaching in various seminars, conferences and meetings. However, our primary objective was to begin a church in Christchurch South Island where we eventually established four churches and a Bible school. By 1995 the Maori work had grown to the place where they desired to become nationalized. After a move in 1998 to Hamilton North Island our focal point transferred to pastoring Pentecostal Lighthouse and we began the Christian College of Theology, which eventually incorporating the GATS (Global Association of Theological Studies) program in 2010 as well. After opening a new work, we now pastor Grace Fellowship and oversee nine UPCI churches and five preaching points currently active in New Zealand.