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Paremata Kindergarten

Paremata Kindergarten

51 Paremata Road, Paremata ,
We are fortunate to be on the beach front and so have a lovely natural outdoor environment for the children to play in. The kindergarten operates a free play programme and provides many varied activities and opportunities for children to learn, explore, gain knowledge and skills and of course have fun. In the 6 hour session there is kapa haka (māori song and dance), on a Monday morning. On Mondays in the 6hour session we also have library time where the children are welcome to choose one of our books to take home to read. Returned library books are placed in the ‘library return box’. This is the black and white box which is kept on the bottom of the parent library shelf, just inside the main front door. Kevin is our teacher aide who works with both groups of children for 2hrs per day. Playing as a Good Friend At Paremata Kindergarten we develop social competencies in young children through use of the ‘Playing as a Good Friend Programme.’ There are 3 basic expectations and these can easily be adapted into a home environment. i. You do not hurt anyone or anything. This includes toys and equipment. ii. You use your good and kind words. iii. You listen (to other adults and your friends) These three rules cover every situation. The teachers will talk to the children about what it means to “play as a good friend” and explain the expectations to them. Along with engaging with us about your child’s learning we invite you to become involved in our kindergarten community. You are welcome to stay during our sessions and spend time with the children. There is always tea and coffee available so feel free to help yourself. There is a roster for parents to help on the parent/whānau board and you are welcome to add your name on a particular day or just simply stay when you fell like it and are able. You do not have to stay for the entire session and we appreciate any time you can spend with us. While there may be some tasks we ask you to do during your time we also like you to just enjoy being with the children and joining in with the session. Along with this we welcome your ideas and feedback. Parents/whānau are also welcome to add any stories, feedback, photos, or information to their child’s portfolio. We have a grounds duty roster which means approximately one weekend a year you and two other families will spend up to a couple of hours at the kindergarten cleaning up the grounds, weeding, mowing the lawns, digging over the sandpit etc.