Business and Personal web pages from New Zealand Search result

Titirangi Primary School

Titirangi Primary School

Atkinson Road, Titirangi ,
* Type: Contributing * Gender: Co-Ed * Authority: State: Not integrated * MoE Institution number: 1537 * Decile: 10 * Fax: 09-8175300
Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School

Titirangi Rudolf Steiner School

5 Helios Place, Titirangi ,
Rudolf Steiner education is an international movement, founded in 1919, working out of the philosophy and indications given by Rudolf Steiner. Over 1,000 schools and kindergartens exist worldwide. There are 10 schools and 24 kindergartens currently operating in New Zealand. Rudolf Steiner education addresses the whole child as a threefold being in the realms of thinking, feeling and willing and also spirit, soul and body. It stimulates the mind with the full spectrum of traditional academic subjects; it nurtures healthy emotional and social development through experiential and child-centered learning and guides the limbs to become fully integrated into the child’s being through a broad range of artistic, movement, handwork and craft activities. The Rudolf Steiner curriculum recognises that children pass through distinct developmental stages at which times specific forces are at work and capacities develop. The curriculum is designed to deliver the right stimulus at the right time, thus allowing each of these developmental stages to unfold fully. Rudolf Steiner education emphasises respect, reverence and wonder for nature and for human existence. Learning becomes much more than the acquisition of vast amounts of information; rather, learning becomes an engaging voyage of discovery, both of the world and of oneself. This is a comprehensive academic, artistic, cultural and physical education programme presented in a supportive, structured and non- competitive environment allowing the child to become balanced in feeling, to have initiative in action and clarity in thought. The purpose of Rudolf Steiner education is to strengthen the child to meet not only the challenges of school, but those of life.
Mathematics and Computer Tuition Auckland Alan Grace- Master Math

Mathematics and Computer Tuition Auckland Alan Grace- Master Math

Titirangi, Auckland, Titirangi ,
Alan Grace has over thirty years' experience as a tutor, trainer, lecturer, and teacher at secondary and tertiary level. Alan has taught mathematics, computer studies, and ICT at all levels at secondary schools. He has also taught computer science, computer skills, and ICT at polytechnics and universities. Alan has taught at Avondale college, Epsom Girls Grammar School, Massey High School, AUT University (for over 21 years back to when it was known as ATI), and Auckland University. Links to internet resources will be provided for revision purposes to everyone tutored by Alan. Please contact Alan for further information about the tuition he can deliver to help you improve your skills. Become what you want to be- don't be a wannabe! Get ahead before you get too far behind! I hope we can work together to improve your skills and produce results. All the best for 2012. Kindest Regards Alan Grace M.A. (hons) Mathematics Dip Tching (Secondary)
Singing Teacher

Singing Teacher

I'm a singing teacher and I love what I do. I help you to explore your singing voice in a safe, joyful, and relaxed environment Develop more confidence Increase and strengthen your vocal range Learn performance techniques Practice looking after your voice Improve on what you are already capable of This is what some of my students have to say............ "Sarah has helped me to open a new chapter in my life, one in which I proudly refer to myself as a singer/songwriter. I have loved singing since I was a little girl, but never really believed in my ability. Over the last year Sarah has not only helped to build my confidence, but through her encouragement and guidance has been instrumental in bringing my songs to life. With her support I have discovered the magic of my creative potential. For all of this I will be forever grateful." Jenni, Ak "I wanted to learn how to sing but was too scared to even go and get lessons. The thought of singing in front of anybody let alone a complete stranger was too much. It took me ages to call Sarah. Needn't have worried at all. She's been amazing and totally gets me. Feel completely different now about my voice and even went and sang at an open mic. Never thought I'd do that. Thank you Sarah Wish I'd done it sooner." Emma Glover, Mt Eden "I was absolutely terrified of singing in front of anybody. Didn't even sing when I was on my own in case somebody overheard me. It's been amazing working with Sarah. She is so patient and understanding and has helped me get to a point now where I'm singing all the time. My overall confidence has grown too and my stress levels have gone down. I even sang in front of my boyfriend the other day. Thank you SO MUCH Sarah" Rachel Moon, Glen Eden "I'm in a band and wanted to strengthen my voice and increase my range. Sarah's been amazing at understanding me and my voice. I know how to look after my voice now and I look forward to gigs knowing I can get the notes and I'm not going to go hoarse. So glad I found her." David Trainer, Auckland Getting along side a student as they discover their voice or improve on their vocal expression is a pure joy. I love witnessing their confidence and happiness grow I have 30 years experience as a singer, teacher and performer both in the UK and NZ. I'm really passionate about the voice and our need to express ourselves through our voice. It never ceases to amaze me how much is wrapped up in our voice. How much it means to us. And time after time I find myself completely humbled by the wonderful students that come through my door and allow me to accompany them on a very special journey to discovering their voices. Everyone is so different in what it is they want from me at the start. Some are wondering if they can sing at all. Usually because they've been told by somebody way back that they were either tone deaf or didn't sound very nice. In all my experience I've only ever come across 3 people who were completely tone deaf. Other people want to feel better about their voices and feel more confident singing at family gatherings or want to prepare a song to sing at a family function like a wedding or a birthday or anniversary. Others are wanting to get out there and join a band or sing one of their own songs at an open mic night. Others are budding songwriters and want the confidence to write and sing their own songs But here's the thing - no matter what the reason is that people come and see me. They end up going on a journey they didn't expect. A voyage of discovery full of hidden treasures and revelations. I am able to tell fairly rapidly by hearing somebody sing to me, not only what it is they need to work on technically, but also how they are showing up in the world. What age it was that they began to lose connection with their voices. It's like listening to a freeze frame of somebody's life. Therefore I have the greatest respect. The greatest compassion, the greatest excitement for them beginning this incredible journey with their voices. No matter where they are on that journey. Perhaps already out there singing with a band etc. There is ALWAYS another layer to peel away and discover about this great instrument which has endless ramifications for the rest of our lives. I have not discovered a greater metaphor for life yet. So it's no surprise that students say to me again and again that they are noticing other areas of their life changing since they have been coming for lessons. Perhaps they are finding their voice at the work place or at home. Perhaps they thought that all they wanted to do was get singing lessons but now they find themselves writing poetry and wondering if they perhaps could sing their OWN songs. As a result of the breathing work we do they are feeling more relaxed and stress levels are going down. Anyway I could go on ad infinitum about the amazing benefits of coming for singing lessons. I'm looking forward to posting my thoughts and hearing yours. much love and much respect to you all Sarah Macombee First lesson Free 10% discount on a block of 5 lessons
Mathematics and Computer Tuition Auckland Alan Grace- Master Math

Mathematics and Computer Tuition Auckland Alan Grace- Master Math

Titirangi, Auckland, Titirangi ,
Alan Grace has over thirty years' experience as a tutor, trainer, lecturer, and teacher at secondary and tertiary level. Alan has taught mathematics, computer studies, and ICT at all levels at secondary schools. He has also taught computer science, compu
Lil Seeds

Lil Seeds

86 Kaurilands Road, Titirangi ,
We offer small intimate learning groups of 12 children, with two enthusiastic, highly qualified and experienced educators. The programme is based on the principles of respect, responsibility & community, promoted through exploration and discovery in a s
Tel: 098189398