Business and Personal web pages from New Zealand Search result

Matamata Butchery Limited

Matamata Butchery Limited

151 Firth Street, Matamata ,
Locally owned and operated.
Lusty Grape Farm

Lusty Grape Farm

104 Matai Road, RD2, Matamata ,
Welcome to the Lusty Grape Farm facebook page! Although we are lucky enough to personally know most of you as customers and friend, be it through the local market, Tauranga farmers market or the Hamilton farmers market, approximately one third (or close to 1 tonne) of our delicious grapes are exported to Japan. As each bunch of grapes in the hothouse (approx 11,000 bunches in total) requires some 20 minutes of our passion and dedication each and every year, we are delighted that you have taken the time to visit this page and take a personal interest in our little slice of heaven. Almost daily we all purchase fruit / vegetables / meat from various outlets unknown as to its origin and completely oblivious to the efforts undertaken ensuring you are satisfied with what you are eating. Because of this we would like to welcome you to share our lives on the farm, witness touching family moments and enjoy our New Zealand heritage. We greatly appreciate your patriotism and welcome any questions, comments or even complaints you may have. So please feel free to leave messages on our wall & comment on our photos. The Lusty Family. 日本の皆様こんにちわ(*^^*)これまで私達ラステイ農園はニュージーランドのタウランガ市場とハミルトン農園市場から丹精を込めて育てたブドウをお届けしてまいりました。ラステイ農園には約11,000房のブドウが毎年なります。私達はこの一房の一粒、一粒それぞれに年間約20分の情熱と愛情を注いで育てるんですよ。私たちのページから、この一粒一粒の成長を見守って頂ければ嬉しく思います。毎日のように果物、野菜、肉等を買いますが、どんな人達がどのようにそれらを育ててくれたかを私たちは知りません。このページを通じて皆様と一緒にブドウが育って行く姿に触れて頂き、今年も機会があれば、是非とも直接、食後のご感想をお聞かせ願えれば嬉しいです。又このページを通じてニュージーランドの生活、文化等を紹介出来ればと思います(^-^)/> ジャンとアンディ ラステイ農園